
Hello, and welcome to my weblog. While creating this website, I ran across some very interesting information online about politics, some of the people mentioned on my website, and other things that I thought may be of interest to the general public. Please enjoy. 

Dear readers, 

During the 2016 presidential election cycle, I ran across a Twitter feed that was posted on Twitter’s home page (https://twitter.com/MagicRoyalty). The owner of this Twitter account calls herself “Madam,” and she is a big Trump supporter, apparently—or is she? If you visit the page, you will see that she is a very attractive young female model who may have once had an inappropriate relationship with Donald Trump. “The Donald,” as they call him, is well known for this type of thing. It’s alleged here that this woman may have found a way to draw an income from him by threatening to come clean about his alleged ties to her if he doesn’t give in to her demands. If anybody suspects this woman of doing such a thing or has any information to share with me about this, please contact me immediately. I’d like to inform the FBI about this. Thanks.

(Notice: Please read my August 7, 2017 update for this post)

Dear readers, 

Please note that I do not give to philanthropic causes or humanitarian projects of any kind. Please do not solicit me with any such requests. Thank you.

Dear reader,

On July 7, 2017, I noticed that the original Twitter feed for https://twitter.com/MagicRoyalty had been erased.

I believe that this may have been an attempt by this author to discredit me. On Nov. 6, 2016 , I screen captured part of her original feed and saved it to my computer. That screen capture can be witnessed below.

If anybody has any information to share with me about this, please contact me immediately. I would like to inform the FBI about this matter.

Thank you.

Dear Readers,

On April 4, 2018, I purchased several different celebrity-named domain website addresses through my hosting provider’s website. Based on my this, I believe that these celebrities and reporters have developed a highly profitable illegal internet scheme here. I would like to explain what I think they are doing: they lure their competitors, wealthy businessmen, and the general public into buying these sites, and the celebrity or the reporter later sues the person who purchased the site for trademark infringement after they have used the domain to publish a website about the famous person. Some might think that these celebrities and reporters are uninformed, but do you really think that they do not know what a .org or a .net domain address is? Or that they think the only website address that they need to own is the .com address with their name? Of course not. This domain website sales scheme is one of the ways by which celebrities profit off their fame, silence their critics, and get people to do their evil work for them. America is an immoral place, and the media industry is to blame.

I'd like to clearly state that these websites are not for sale, and they will remain offline in my account. Please do not solicit me to buy them. And I'd also like to mention that I have never met, spoken to, or signed anything with anybody in the media. I’d also like to clearly state here that I am not a reporter.

I reported this matter to the FBI on 04/13/2018.

Dear readers, 

Here is a funny story about Mayor Lovely Warren in Rochester, NY replacing a piece of pygmy art on an historic children’s carousel in the city with an image of a black panther.

Here is the link to it:


Dear Readers,

Below, you will find a longer, uncut screen capture video that I took of Magic Royalty’s original Twitter feed. The cut version is 6 minutes and 11 seconds long. The uncut version added to my blog today is 13 minutes and 52 seconds long. Please witness that video below. Thank you.

Dear Readers,

Today, I added a longer, uncut version of a screen capture video that I made of Magic Royalty’s original Twitter feed to my blog. The cut version is 6 minutes and 11 seconds long. The uncut version added today is 13 minutes and 52 seconds long. I also took a screenshot of myself posting it today to deter content thieves from plagiarizing my work. Please witness that video below. Thank you.

Dear Readers,

I am not related to the Pacini's who own the restaurant in Montreal, Canada.

Thank you.

Dear readers,

Here are some online resources for people who are being bullied at school or, in the case of adults, at work or out in their communities. This information can be used by anyone. I don’t support charitable groups with my money (I don’t trust anyone); I do, however, like to help these websites get out the message about their anti-harassment, anti-bullying, and anti-intimidation resources, available online to everyone. Please review the list below.

Thank you for your time.




Dear Readers,

Thank you for taking the time to read this email. On April 13, 2018 I informed the FBI that on April 4, 2018, I purchased several different celebrity domain names through my hosting provider’s website. I informed them that I thought that several celebrities and reporters had developed a highly profitable illegal internet scheme. The scheme involves luring the general public, their competitors and wealthy business men into buying these domain names, and the celebrity or reporter later sues for trademark infringement after the website owner/publisher publishes a website about the person who is the subject of the domain name. Thankfully, this did not happen to me because I immediately caught on to their scheme. The list of celebrities for whom I bought domain names includes John Goodman (from the sitcom Roseanne) Brooke Baldwin and Erica Hill (CNN), Amelia Vega (wife of NBA basketball player Al Horford), Scott Pelley and Norah O’Donnell (CBS), Shepard Smith (Fox News), Cecilia Vega (ABC), Sue Herera and David Faber (CNBC), Dr. Oz (from The Dr. Oz Show, owned by Oprah Winfrey), and Travis Stork (from The Doctors).

On 11/04/2018, 11/06/2018, 11/11/2018, and 11/17/2018 I found even more celebrities and reports doing the same thing. The list includes Portia de Rossi (Ellen DeGeneres’s wife), Mike Galanos and Christi Paul of CNN’s HLN channel, Melissa Lee of CNBC, and Elizabeth Benjamin of Spectrum News in New York, all of whom have their celebrity-name dot-coms up for sale, which is a strong indicator that the scheme is actually occurring. In addition to these celebrities and reporters, others that I have found to be involved include Joe Kernan at CNBC; Kate Bolduan and Chris Cuomo (the brother of Andrew Cuomo, the current governor of New York) at CNN; Harris Faulkner, Peter Doocy, Geraldo Rivera, Julie Banderas, Bill Hemmer, Brian Kilmeade, Brit Hume, Dana Perino, and Kimberly Guilfoyle, all of whom work for Fox News; George Foreman; Jeff Gordon; Al Roker; Bill O’Reilly; and Dennis Rodman. I am providing you with two YouTube videos at the bottom of this page so that you can witness the evidence for yourself. And I’d also like to mention that the U.S. government, and these celebrities and reporters are involved in criminal activity against me.

As of today, I have not heard back from the FBI about this matter. If anyone has any information to share about this case, or can aid in the prosecution of these dirtbag celebrities and reporters, or has any information to share regarding any other cases that I am investigating, please file a detailed report with the FBI via email and also save a copy.

Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely,

Brian Pacini

Dear Readers,

Here are the emails that I sent to the FBI about the celebrity scandal that I uncovered in the screen capture below. As of today, I still have not heard back from the FBI about this matter or anything else that I have reported to them. In my emails to the FBI, I said that I purchased them through my hosting provider’s website on May 4, 2018; I actually bought them on April 4, 2018. I just noticed the mistake today. I would also like to mention that the video that I made of them from inside my webhosting account shows the date 04/04/2019 next to each of the named celebrities’ domain names. That date is the renewal date.

Thank you for your time.

Dear Readers,

This month, I received a strange ad in the mail from a restaurant called the Fargo Bar and Grill in Aurora, New York. Please see a copy of the ad below. This restaurant was established by Pleasant Rowland, who developed the American Girl® company. As of 12/18/2020, her company in Aurora, New York—the Inns of Aurora—currently owns five different properties in the area. I wanted to inform people about this and tell them in good conscious to never eat there.

Thank you.

Dear readers, 

Television (TV) actor John Walsh is originally from my hometown of Auburn, NY, and he is one of the culprits involved in the ongoing government conspiracy plot against me. Actors and journalists that work for large TV networks will do and say anything to please the people that they work for. And these con men call on their influential friends to help them out when they are in trouble. According to a readers digest issue that I read people trust celebrities like John Walsh and T.V. journalists. They always believe that these people are telling the truth. As an example in that article it talks about how Adam West (who played Batman in the 1960's series) was hired unknowingly by a company to sell an internet kiosk scam. The article goes on to say that his fame lent credibility to what the company was selling so no one questioned its authenticity. I have posted a link to that article below for you. The fact that the news media will not cover any of this and that not a single representative of the US government will look into these matters or what is going on with Katko provides further proof that a government conspiracy plot is ongoing against me and that the large TV news networks are involved in it. Most people would never suspect this man because of his background, but he has a somewhat shady past, and there are a few things that stick out about him publicly. Many years ago, he helped get a shady County Sheriff elected here, who was brought up on criminal charges by the NY state attorney general's office. Additionally, I recently read on Wikipedia that John Walsh was involved in a sexual relationship with a minor when he was in his early 20s. If anyone has any information to share with me about him pertaining to my case, please contact me about it. I have posted a link to the article about him and his relationship with a minor when he was in his early 20s below. 

Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Walsh_(television_host)

Link: https://www.rd.com/list/con-artists-win-trust/

Dear readers, 

Back in 2021, my website ranked on page one of the search results when searching for Terry McAuliffe during that year’s Virginia gubernatorial election. At that time, I took a screen capture of the search results that appeared when I typed McAuliffe’s name into my search engine, which displayed my website alongside his on the first page of the results. I have posted that screen capture below. Terry McAuliffe lost to Glenn Youngkin in that election. This was very significant, and I just wanted to let my readers know about it. I have had an enormous amount of traffic over the years, which has helped me rank well in the search results. This proves that Terry McAuliffe knew about my website and the racist picture of New York congressman John Katko that surfaced in my town’s local high school newspaper and that McAuliffe decided to keep quiet about it because of his involvement in the cover-up against me.

Dear readers,

Here is an interesting article about how Charter Communications, owner of Spectrum Cable, has been ordered to pay $7 billion to the family of a Texas woman who was murdered by a cable repairman. I really like the fact that the family had the story published and that the company was held accountable. However this almost didn't happen because the cable company tried to forge a document. Please click on the link below to read the article. 

Thank you.


Dear readers, 

Here is an interesting article about how Trump fears becoming an 'embarrassing and deplorable artifact' of history. It also mentions the fact that he has a long history of successfully bullying prosecutors and regulators to get his way. Please click on the link below to read the story.


Dear readers, 

If anyone has heard a rumor that I want to run for political office it's a lie. I have no intentions of ever running for political office. I believe that this lie was developed to discredit me and to ruin my chances of getting political asylum abroad. I am a victim. 

Thank you. 

Dear readers, 

I recently heard about a trend that drug dealers are using to get people hooked on drugs. According to people I have talked to, dealers are paying needy people to try drugs. For example, they will pay a person $100.00 to do a line of cocaine. If the person snorts two lines they get $200.00 and so on. According to the people that I spoke with, this scheme works best with good-looking college women and single mothers. The theory is that they will get hooked and start stripping so that they have money to support their newly-acquired addiction. According to police data, a stripper or escort can make around $250,000.00 a year, which makes them highly lucrative for drug dealers to pursue. This is a disturbing trend and I just want to make sure that everybody knows about it.

Thank you for your time.

Dear Readers,

I would like to know if any of you have information to share with me about reality TV star Richard Rawlings from the TV show Gas Monkey Garage. People in my town think that he might be Hunter Biden’s twin brother. There is speculation that because he wanted a Hollywood career, he did not want the media to find out that he was Joe Biden’s son. I have looked at pictures of Richard and Hunter online, and it is difficult to tell them apart, so I believe this could be true. He is another celebrity who is involved in crimes against me, and I have even seen him in my area. If anyone has any information to share with me about this, I would be willing to pay you for it. 

Thank you for your time.